Posted On : 31 Oct, 2023
After all, what is the animal in front of which lions also bow their heads?
Hi, I am Akhil working as a Naturalist In Indian national parks. In India we have all the population of Asiatic Lion and as i have studied behavior of african lion with my limited knowledge of lion i can say it is not a question to gove answer in a single line.
Lions Are social animal and they does hunting in a pride which can contain 1 alfa male and few females with cubs. Nature have its own system that is survival of the fittest in some situations lions also have to set back from hunting.
Just because Lion hunts is a pride they have more chances to get success but some time they can also hunt independently in that case if the prey is faster or heavier than the lion always they have to make a hunting to make a successful hunting specially if prey is in a large group then they can have more eyes to look around then also more chances of failure. Herbivores are very sencitive to any sound and movement when it comes to a large group then they can easily manage to keep eyes at 360° if there is any prediator movement and a single sound or movement also the wind flow containing smell of a lion can easily make them alart in that case prey can easily move from that place . In African continent have good population of African Elephant, wildebeest, buffellow and Rhinosorus within lion availability areas in that case a bigger group of these animals can easily make a lion injure for these reason also sometime lion have to set back.
In common there is a special situation at which lions try to avoid conflict from a species which can cause of their death, that is venomous Snake. A bite with proper injection of venom of a high venomous snake can kill a loon within few hours as well as snake can also die by a single attack by a lion paw for this reason lion and snake both tryes to avoid each other for fear of death.
* this is just a predicted theory there are lots of out of theory examples can found.
* picture by Jitu Sindhav