Posted On : 24 Sep, 2023
Key of Insect identification
Insect, it comes under Animalia kingdom and Arthropoda which have some clasification. Insect is a part of Arthropoda but there are some way through which we can easily distinguish between Insect and others(Crustaceans, Myrapod, Archinids and Trilobites)
The main identification of an adult insects is their body, which is mainly devided in 3 parts:- 1) Head, 2) Thorax, 3) Abdomen
1)Head- Head is the frontal part of the body, it is the most censory part which contains some other vital organs of their body. Eyes, antennae and mouth part.
Eyes: Insects can have mainly two types of eyes one is the larger pair we get to see is a cluster of eyes are called compound eyes and a light sencitive organ called ocelli.
Antennae: The antennae are the most sensory organ which helps them to explore their sorroundings through touching the surface, vibration sensing, through sensing air movement and also use for communication with the me.bers of the same group. It is always segmented and in different shape and size.
Mouth part: The Mouth part of insects are highly modified as per their feeding habit
2)Thorax- Thorax is the middle part of an insect body. It is also devided in three part protho4ax, mesothorax and metathorax. Prothorax contain three pair of legs and mesothorax and metathorax each can have one pair of wings.
Legs: Insect legs are also segmented because they comes under arthropods. Legs are devided into several parts- coxa, trochanter, tibia, tarsus and claws. In some insects their legs are modified as per different work abilities. For some insects it helps to walk, for dragonfly it helps to hold and carry their prey, for flies it helps to p4eening their head, for mantis it helps to catch their prey and for honeybee it helps to carry polin.
Wings: most insects can have two pair of wings and for some it also can be absent. Wings can be in different shape and siza which contains veins inside through which sometime we can classify between two species. For many i sects their wings are transparent but for some it is covered with microscopic heirs or scales.
3)Abdomen- Abdomen is the isnd most part of the insect body and sometime it is the largest part of their body. This is the soften part, upperside is covered with scales and at the side have presence of their breathing organ calles spiracles. Also abdomen contains digestive tract, reproductive organ and for some their abdomen part also contains sting.